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Drayton Village Hall

Drayton Village Hall

School Road, Drayton

Registered Charity No.267201

Regular Hirers

Contact: Chairman P Sergeant. Email draytonvillagehall@ferenze.co.uk
Monday Drayton Pre School (term time only) 9.15-12.15pm
Monday Drayton Evening WI (2nd Mon) 7.30pm
Tuesday Drayton Pre School (term time only) 9.15-12.15pm
Tuesday Drayton Horticultural Association (1st Tues) 7.30pm
Tuesday Drayton Flower Club (3rd Tues) 7.30pm
Tuesday St. Margarets Patchworkers (Green Room) 7.30pm
Wednesday Drayton Pre School (term time only) 9.15-12.15pm
Wednesday Modern Sequence Dancing 8.00-10.30pm
Thursday Drayton Pre School (term time only) 9.15-12.15pm
Thursday Facing It Together (Alt Thurs) 2.00pm
Thursday Drayton Players Rehearsal 7.30pm
Friday Drayton Pre School (term time only - not 1st Friday) 9.15-12.15pm
Friday VH Committee Coffee Morning (1st Friday) 10.30am
Friday Extend 2.15pm
Friday Karate - The Dragons 7.00pm
